Job completed for Cameron S. - Jefferson, NJ - Water Damage

Completion date: September 10, 2024

Location: Jefferson, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Cameron, the owner of a hair salon in Jefferson, NJ, experienced significant water damage after a sink was accidentally left running overnight. When he arrived at the salon the next morning, he discovered that the floorboards were soaked, and the moisture had also seeped into the walls, leaving them damp to the touch. Worried about the potential for further damage and mold growth, Cameron quickly reached out for professional help.

Solutions provided:

PDQ Restoration promptly responded to the call and arrived at the hair salon in Jefferson, NJ, to assess the situation. The team began by extracting the excess water from the floors and carefully inspecting the walls for hidden moisture. Special drying equipment was set up to ensure that both the floorboards and walls were completely dried out. As the work progressed, PDQ provided Cameron with daily updates, reassuring him that the moisture was under control.

The restoration process was handled through Cameron’s insurance provider, meaning he only had to cover the deductible. Within four days, the salon was dry, clean, and ready for business once again. Thanks to quick action and professional care, Cameron’s hair salon in Jefferson, NJ, was restored to its original condition without further issues.

Team members on this project:

Chris Baresh, Chris Soffel

Photos & Videos:

water damage
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water damage
moisture meter
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moisture meter