Job completed for Anna R. - Mendham, NJ - Water Damage

Completion date: September 12, 2024

Location: Mendham, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Anna contacted PDQ Restoration after discovering water damage in her basement in Mendham, NJ, caused by a sump pump failure. The malfunction allowed water to accumulate in the basement, resulting in standing water and soaked flooring. Anna was concerned about the potential for structural damage and mold growth due to the prolonged moisture, so she urgently requested PDQ’s assistance to address the situation.

Solutions provided:

Upon arriving at Anna’s home in Mendham, PDQ Restoration's technicians quickly assessed the extent of the water damage. They used specialized water extraction equipment to remove the standing water from the basement and then placed high-powered fans and dehumidifiers to ensure thorough drying. The team conducted moisture checks to monitor progress and prevent the risk of mold growth. This comprehensive approach was essential to restore Anna’s basement, mitigate further damage, and ensure a dry and safe environment in her home.

Team members on this project:

Henry Anderson, Leo Trinidad

Photos & Videos:

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water damage
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