Job completed for Jenna B. - Dover, NJ - Fire Damage

Completion date: September 11, 2024

Location: Dover, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Jenna contacted PDQ Restoration after a toaster fire in her home in Dover, NJ, caused light smoke to spread throughout the house. Although the fire was quickly contained, the smoke spread into several rooms. Jenna was particularly concerned because her mother, who has lung cancer, lives in the home, and the smoke odor and soot could negatively affect her health. She urgently requested PDQ’s assistance to eliminate the smoke and ensure the house was safe for her mother.

Solutions provided:

Upon arriving at Jenna’s home in Dover, PDQ Restoration's technicians assessed the situation and quickly set up air scrubbers and hydroxyl generators to remove smoke particles and improve indoor air quality. The team used specialized cleaning techniques to remove soot from surfaces and deodorize the affected rooms, ensuring that the smoke odor was fully eliminated. This thorough approach was crucial to restore Jenna’s home, create a safe and healthy environment for her mother, and prevent further complications from smoke exposure.

Team members on this project:

Henry Anderson, David Rebolledo

Photos & Videos:

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HEPA filter
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HEPA filter