Job completed for Nick L. - Franklin Lakes, NJ - Water Damage

Completion date: September 2, 2024

Location: Franklin Lakes, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Nick contacted PDQ Restoration after discovering water damage in his home in Franklin Lakes, NJ, caused by a broken pipe in the shower. The leak affected the wall shared with the bedroom, resulting in water seeping into the carpet and spreading around the hallway. Nick noticed damp carpeting, wet walls, and a musty odor developing in the affected areas. Concerned about the potential for further damage and mold growth, Nick urgently requested PDQ’s assistance to address the water damage.

Solutions provided:

Upon arriving at Nick’s home in Franklin Lakes, PDQ Restoration's technicians quickly assessed the situation and identified the broken pipe as the source of the leak. A professional plumber was called to repair the pipe to prevent further water intrusion. Once the leak was fixed, the team used specialized extraction equipment to remove water from the wet carpeting and surrounding areas. High-powered fans and dehumidifiers were strategically placed in the bedroom and hallway to lower humidity levels and expedite the drying process. This comprehensive response was crucial to restore Nick’s home, prevent additional damage, and ensure a dry and safe environment.

Team members on this project:

Chris Baresh, Johan Adames

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