Job completed for Roger B. - Livingston, NJ - Water Damage

Completion date: August 25, 2024

Location: Livingston, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Roger contacted PDQ Restoration after discovering water damage in his hotel in Livingston, NJ, due to a leak in a supply room. The leak led to water spreading beyond the supply room, affecting the adjacent hotel hallway. Roger noticed wet flooring and damp walls in both the supply room and the hallway, creating a humid and uncomfortable environment for guests and staff. Concerned about the potential for further damage and disruption to hotel operations, Roger urgently requested PDQ’s assistance to address the issue.

Solutions provided:

Upon arriving at the hotel in Livingston, PDQ Restoration's technicians quickly assessed the extent of the water damage. The first step was to call a professional plumber to repair the leak in the supply room and prevent further water intrusion. Once the plumbing issue was resolved, the team used specialized extraction equipment to remove standing water from the supply room and the affected hallway. High-capacity fans and dehumidifiers were strategically placed throughout the impacted areas to reduce moisture levels and accelerate the drying process. This comprehensive response was essential to restore Roger’s hotel, minimize downtime, and ensure a safe and dry environment for guests and staff.

Team members on this project:

Chris Baresh, Johan Adames

Photos & Videos:

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hotel hallway
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hotel hallway