Job completed for Erin J. - Randolph, NJ - Fire Damage

Completion date: August 21, 2024

Location: Randolph, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Erin contacted PDQ Restoration after an electrical fire broke out in her home in Randolph, NJ, originating from the main switch panel in the attic. The fire caused extensive damage, charring the surrounding attic structure and spreading smoke and soot throughout the upper levels of the house. Erin noticed a strong smoke odor lingering in the home, with visible soot deposits on surfaces near the attic and in adjacent rooms. Concerned about the fire damage and the potential health risks from the smoke and soot, Erin urgently requested PDQ’s assistance to restore her home.

Solutions provided:

Upon arriving at Erin’s home in Randolph, PDQ Restoration's technicians quickly assessed the fire damage and began the remediation process. They carefully removed all charred materials around the main switch panel and the affected attic areas to prevent further soot contamination. High-efficiency air scrubbers and hydroxyl deodorizing units were deployed to tackle the persistent smoke odor and improve indoor air quality. The team meticulously cleaned all impacted surfaces, using specialized techniques to remove soot and smoke residues throughout the affected areas. This comprehensive response was essential to restore Erin’s home, address the fire and smoke damage, and ensure a safe, clean environment.

Team members on this project:

Nart Bachok

Photos & Videos:

fire source
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fire source
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