Job completed for Paul M. - Madison, NJ - Water Damage

Completion date: August 4, 2024

Location: Madison, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Paul from Madison, NJ called PDQ Restoration to come to his home after he found out that a sink had been left running. It had resulted in water damage throughout his home. His floors felt wet to the touch and entire home was full of moisture / felt humid. Paul wanted PDQ Restoration to come to remove the standing water and to begin the drying process for the rest of the house.

Solutions provided:

When PDQ Restoration arrived at the house in Madison, NJ the first step to do was to stabilize the property. This involved extracting all of the standing water so that no further water damage would take place. Afterwards equipment was placed such as fans, dehumidifers, and HEPA air scrubbers. This began the drying process in order to begin removing moisture from the air. Afterwards PDQ Restoration came daily in order to make sure it continued to get dry and until the dry out was completed.

Team members on this project:

James Bate

Photos & Videos:

wet kitchen sink
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wet kitchen sink