Job completed for Chris R. - Landing, NJ - Fire Damage

Completion date: July 29, 2024

Location: Landing, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Chris R. from Landing, NJ after his dryer caught fire in his basement. The fire had burned a good portion of contents in the basement and the soot had spread throughout the house. There was visible soot webs noticeable as well. Chris asked PDQ Restoration to demo the affected walls and contents in the basement. Then to remove all soot and smoke odor from the rest of the house. He mentioned being worried about the carcinogenic effects of soot as well.

Solutions provided:

When PDQ Restoration first arrived at the house in Landing, NJ the first step was to stabilize the property after the fire. This involved placing air scrubbers, fans with HEPA air filters, and hydroxyl deodorizing units on each of the floors. Afterwards the PDQ contents division came to clean all affected contents for storage. Lastly all affected structure was demolished and all soot was cleaned from the surfaces throughout the house.

Team members on this project:

Cheryl Knox, Leo Trinidad, Linda Steinhauser

Photos & Videos:

soot webs
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soot webs
soot cleaning
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soot cleaning