Job completed for Edward R. - Rockaway, NJ

Completion date: July 31, 2024

Location: Rockaway, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Edward called PDQ Restoration to come out to his house after a garage fire he had from woodworking equipment. The fire did not result in any structure damage however soot spread throughout the house everywhere. There was a visible layer of soot on most surfaces throughout the house. There was also a strong smoke odor that Edward wanted removed. He also made sure that none of his family is staying in the house while it is affected.

Solutions provided:

When PDQ Restoration arrived at the house in Stanhope, NJ the first thing to do was to stabilize the property. To do this PDQ placed HEPA air filters with fans and hydroxyl units on each floor of the property. These were used to help deodorize and remove the soot particles from the air. Afterwards the PDQ contents division came to clean all belongings to then place for storage later. Afterwards the deodorizing equipment and checked daily until the soot odor was confirmed removed.

Team members on this project:

Chris Baresh, Chris Soffel, Chris Reynolds

Photos & Videos:

soot sponges
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soot sponges
HEPA air filter
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HEPA air filter