Job completed for Hailey L. - Whippany, NJ

Completion date: July 6, 2024

Location: Whippany, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Hailey from Whippany, NJ called PDQ to help with the cleanup from a home fire. The fire started from the attic and spread soot throughout the house. There was a strong odor as well that attached to the majority of the belongings in the house. Hailey called PDQ to clean all of her belongings of soot and remove the fire odor from her house.

Solutions provided:

When PDQ arrived at the house in Whippany, NJ the technicians first stabilized the area affected by water from the Fire Department. Afterwards the PDQ contents division took over cleaning all contents in the house to be organized and stored for Hailey. While this was going on dehumidifiers and air scrubbers were placed within the house to begin the deodorization process.

Team members on this project:

Chris Baresh, Chris Soffel

Photos & Videos:

Fire Damage on House
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Fire Damage on House
cleaning and sanitizing
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cleaning and sanitizing