Job completed for Lincoln C. - Mount Olive, NJ

Completion date: March 24, 2024

Location: Mount Olive, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Lincoln C. urgently contacted PDQ Restoration following a devastating basement fire in the utility room of his Mount Olive, NJ home. Concerned about the safety of his family and the extensive damage caused by the fire, Lincoln sought professional assistance to mitigate the aftermath. Knowing PDQ Restoration's expertise in fire damage restoration in Northern New Jersey, Lincoln trusted our team to assess the situation promptly and provide a comprehensive plan to restore his property. He needed our specialized services to address soot residues, eliminate smoke odors, and ensure his home's structural integrity was restored to a safe and habitable condition.

Solutions provided:

Upon receiving Lincoln C.'s call from Mount Olive, NJ, PDQ Restoration immediately dispatched a skilled team trained in fire damage restoration. Our first priority was to conduct a thorough assessment of the fire damage, focusing on the utility room and adjoining areas affected by smoke and soot. We implemented a detailed cleaning process using advanced techniques to remove soot residues from walls, ceilings, and surfaces. Utilizing "hydroxyl" generators, we neutralized lingering smoke odors, ensuring a fresh and clean indoor environment. Additionally, we provided structural repairs and reconstruction services as needed to restore Lincoln's basement and home to its pre-fire condition. Throughout the restoration process, we maintained open communication with Lincoln, keeping him informed and involved in every step of the restoration journey.

Team members on this project:

Azar Mamkagh, Christopher Witter, Marne Gabay

Photos & Videos:

Smoke Damage on Clothes
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Smoke Damage on Clothes