Job completed for Jackson V. - Jefferson, NJ

Completion date: February 13, 2024

Location: Jefferson, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Jackson V. from Jefferson, NJ, contacted PDQ Restoration following a kitchen fire that not only caused extensive fire and smoke damage but also resulted in significant water damage due to efforts to extinguish the blaze. The combined damage left his home in urgent need of professional restoration services to address the soot, odor, and water issues. Jackson reached out to PDQ Restoration for our expertise in handling both fire and water damage effectively, ensuring his home would be thoroughly cleaned and restored.

Solutions provided:

Upon arriving at Jackson V.'s home in Jefferson, NJ, PDQ Restoration conducted a comprehensive assessment of the fire and water damage. We started by removing soot and smoke residue from all affected surfaces, using specialized cleaning agents to ensure thorough decontamination. To tackle the persistent odor, we employed "hydroxyl" generators, which are highly effective in neutralizing smoke smells. Concurrently, we addressed the water damage by extracting excess water, drying out wet walls and flooring, and using dehumidifiers to prevent mold growth. Our integrated approach ensured that Jackson's home was restored to a safe, clean, and habitable condition, addressing both the fire and water damage comprehensively.

Team members on this project:

Azar Mamkagh, Edward Robillard, Sue Goldberg

Photos & Videos:

Water Damage Post Fire
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Water Damage Post Fire