Job completed for Adam S. - Chatham, NJ

Completion date: March 6, 2024

Location: Chatham, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Adam S. from Chatham, NJ, urgently contacted PDQ Restoration following a dryer fire in his basement. The fire caused significant smoke and soot damage throughout the basement area and adjacent parts of the house. Concerned about the safety and integrity of his home, Adam sought immediate professional assistance to assess the extent of fire damage, mitigate potential health risks from smoke residue, and restore his property to its pre-loss condition. PDQ Restoration's reputation for prompt response and expertise in fire damage restoration reassured Adam that his home would receive comprehensive cleaning and restoration services, addressing both visible damage and lingering odors.

Solutions provided:

Upon receiving Adam S.'s call from Chatham, NJ, PDQ Restoration mobilized a specialized team equipped to handle fire damage incidents. We began with a thorough assessment of the fire and smoke damage to determine the scope of restoration required. Using advanced equipment and techniques, we meticulously cleaned and sanitized affected areas to remove soot residues and eliminate smoke odors. Our team applied "hydroxyl" technology to neutralize odors embedded in surfaces and fabrics, ensuring a fresh and safe indoor environment. Additionally, we provided Adam with recommendations for necessary repairs and enhancements to improve fire safety measures in his home, ensuring peace of mind for his family's well-being.

Team members on this project:

Henry Anderson, Cheryl Knox, Laurel

Photos & Videos:

Soot Webs in Basement
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Soot Webs in Basement