Job completed for Zoe S. - Mount Olive, NJ

Completion date: February 13, 2024

Location: Mount Olive, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Zoe S. from Mount Olive, NJ, contacted PDQ Restoration after discovering a water leak in her basement. The leak had caused significant water damage and led to mold growth in the basement crawlspace and surrounding areas. Concerned about the structural integrity of her home and potential health risks associated with mold, Zoe sought professional help to address the water damage and mold remediation. PDQ Restoration’s reputation for prompt, thorough service in water and mold damage situations made us her top choice.

Solutions provided:

Upon arrival at Zoe S.’s home in Mount Olive, NJ, PDQ Restoration quickly assessed the extent of the water damage and mold growth in the basement and crawlspace areas. Our team first addressed the source of the water leak to prevent further damage. We then used specialized equipment to extract water and thoroughly dry the affected areas. To tackle the mold issue, we applied industry-approved mold remediation techniques, including the use of antimicrobial treatments to prevent future growth. Additionally, we conducted air quality tests to ensure a safe and healthy environment for Zoe and her family. Through our comprehensive approach, we restored her basement to a safe and clean condition.

Team members on this project:

Azar Mamkagh, Nart Bachok, Johan Adames

Photos & Videos:

Mold in Basement Crawlspace
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Mold in Basement Crawlspace