Job completed for Carter F. - Morristown, NJ

Completion date: February 29, 2024

Location: Morristown, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Carter F. from Morristown, NJ, contacted PDQ Restoration after experiencing a kitchen fire that resulted in both fire and water damage. The fire, which started on the stove, caused significant soot and odor issues throughout the kitchen and adjacent areas. Additionally, the water used to extinguish the fire led to water damage in the kitchen. Carter reached out to PDQ Restoration for professional help to address the fire damage, soot, odor, and subsequent water damage to restore his home to a safe and livable condition.

Solutions provided:

Upon arriving at Carter F.'s home in Morristown, NJ, our team set up containment in the kitchen to create a controlled drying chamber, addressing the water damage caused by extinguishing the fire. We used industrial dehumidifiers and air movers to thoroughly dry the affected areas. To combat the soot and odor, we employed specialized cleaning techniques and used hydroxyl generators to neutralize odors. Our comprehensive approach ensured the removal of all fire damage residues and restored the kitchen to its pre-damage state, providing Carter with a safe and clean living environment once again.

Team members on this project:

Azar Mamkagh, Henry Anderson, Johan Adames

Photos & Videos:

Containment in Kitchen
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Containment in Kitchen