Job completed for Owen B. - Chester, NJ

Completion date: February 6, 2024

Location: Chester, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Owen B. from Chester, NJ, contacted PDQ Restoration after a furnace fire in his basement caused smoke and soot to spread throughout his house. The pervasive soot and lingering odor prompted Owen to seek professional help to address the extensive smoke damage. Concerned about the health implications and the need for a thorough cleaning, he reached out to our team for expert smoke damage restoration services.

Solutions provided:

Upon arriving at Owen B.'s home in Chester, NJ, our team quickly assessed the extent of the smoke damage. We used specialized equipment to clean and remove soot from all affected surfaces. To tackle the lingering smoke odor, we deployed hydroxyl generators, ensuring a safe and odor-free environment. Our comprehensive cleaning process included air scrubbing and deodorizing each room, restoring Owen's home to its pre-fire condition. We also inspected and cleaned the HVAC system to prevent further soot circulation.

Team members on this project:

Azar Mamkagh, Nart Bachok, Johan Adames

Photos & Videos:

Soot in Kitchen on Ceiling
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Soot in Kitchen on Ceiling