Job completed for Marcia M. - Short Hills, NJ

Completion date: August 22, 2023

Location: Short Hills, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The Homeowner from Short Hills, NJ called with a sewer main overflow from the first-floor toilet to the basement. The Sewage sill resulted in a lot of wet, affected contents in the basement. Things were quite messy and smelly in the basement and on the first floor of the home.

Solutions provided:

Extracted all standing water from the basement floor at the home in Short Hills, New Jersey. Cleaned and Sanitized the floor of the bathroom and surrounding floor areas impacted by sewage leak. Flood cuts in the soaked drywall in the living room and near the bathroom were made to determine damage. Additional flood cuts were made down the stairwell to the basement Full Sewage clean-up and restoration process was initiated for the Cat 3 (sewage) and Class 4 (vinyl sheet flooring) loss.

Team members on this project:

Azar Mamkagh, Henry Anderson, Edward Robillard, Nart Bachok

Photos & Videos:

Sewer Backup and Overflowed Toilet
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Sewer Backup and Overflowed Toilet
HEPA Air Scrubbers
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HEPA Air Scrubbers
Sewage Water in Basement
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Sewage Water in Basement