Job completed for Michael A. - Andover, NJ

Completion date: July 27, 2023

Location: Andover, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The home in Andover, NJ had experienced a pipe burst on the second level. There was water damage occurring on the second floor, the first floor, and basement levels. The floor areas and ceilings on both the first and second floors looked to be badly water-damaged. The drywall above the baseboards showed signs of being wet. Homeowner was quite nervous and needed reassuring.

Solutions provided:

We placed 2 dehumidifiers and 1 air scrubber on both the affected first-floor and second-floor areas. PDQ Started moisture logs at the home in Andover, New Jersey.

The walls and ceiling in the yoga room were partially wet. A portion of the ceiling drywall was removed along with the wet insulation. The wall that is shared with the front foyer had insulation and drywall that was wet and it was also removed.

Numerous stained ceiling tiles were removed and thrown away. Additional ceiling tiles were removed from the front foyer.

Laminate flooring was removed along with padding and tarpaper.

Fans were installed once all the demolition was completed.

Team members on this project:

Edward Robillard, Nart Bachok, David Rebolledo, Chris Soffel, Sue Goldberg

Photos & Videos:

Burst Pipe in Utility Room
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Burst Pipe in Utility Room
Water Damage to room
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Water Damage to room
Water Damage Restoration
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Water Damage Restoration
First Floor Saturated Ceiling Tile
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First Floor Saturated Ceiling Tile
Water Damage to Kitchen Floor
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Water Damage to Kitchen Floor
Tear out_Remove Flooring in Kitchen
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Tear out_Remove Flooring in Kitchen