Job completed for Susan F. - Millburn, NJ
Completion date: August 16, 2023
Location: Millburn, NJ
Why did the customer contact us?
The customer from Millburn, NJ called complaining about a foul odor coming from the basement. When they went downstairs to check it out, they noticed fecal matter in the water coming down the basement stairs from outside and into the basement area. Sewage water was collecting on the basement floor and under the washer and dryer.
Solutions provided:
PDQ responded immediately to the request to come and remedy the situation in Millburn, New Jersey. The sewage water removal was initiated and clean-up and disinfectant procedures were put into motion. Hot water and Microban were used to clean the floor. Clothing near the washer and dryer was moved out of the way. A Dehumidifier was used in the area.
Team members on this project:
James Bate