Job completed for Amber S. - Chatham, NJ

Completion date: July 24, 2023

Location: Chatham, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The apartment complex property management team from Chatham, NJ contacted PDQ to alert us that a unit had incurred water damage from an overflowing toilet. Two other rooms in the apartment were affected; a bedroom adjacent to the bathroom, along with the kitchen. Water damage and mold in the apartment were a concern.

Solutions provided:

PDQ worked with the management company from Chatham, New Jersey to dry out the apartment and all its affected rooms from the toilet overflow. We detected elevated moisture readings, which led to us installing structural drying services. Air scrubbers and de-Humidifiers were installed and left on site until moisture readings were at a safe level.

Team members on this project:

Henry Anderson, Edward Robillard, Nart Bachok

Photos & Videos:

Over Flow Toilet in Bathroom
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Over Flow Toilet in Bathroom
Over Flow Toilet Clean-up and Remediation
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Over Flow Toilet Clean-up and Remediation
Bedroom and Carpet Water Damage
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Bedroom and Carpet Water Damage
Dryout of Kitchen
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Dryout of Kitchen
PDQ on the scene
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PDQ on the scene