Job completed for Neil P. - Livingston, NJ

Completion date: September 1, 2023

Location: Livingston, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Sewage, including fecal matter, was coming up from the shower drain in the downstairs bathroom at the home in Livingston, NJ. This was determined Category 3 damage, which is defined as containing grossly contaminated water. The emergency call came in right before a summer holiday weekend. The homeowner was planning to be away for the weekend and needed the sewage backup taken care of immediately.

Solutions provided:

We extracted all standing liquids and set up containment to minimize spreading harmful air to unaffected areas of the house in Livingston, New Jersey. Baseboards and the lower part of the walls were removed. Air scrubbers placed in key locations for 3 days until the air was reported safe for the homeowner. Used hospital-grade antimicrobial spray and disinfectant until the affected area was reported as safe.

Team members on this project:

Henry Anderson, Chris Baresh, Christopher Witter

Photos & Videos:

sewer back up clean up Livingston NJ
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sewer back up clean up Livingston NJ
laundry area sewage back up basement
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laundry area sewage back up basement
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