Job completed for Paul S. - Landing, NJ

Completion date: December 9, 2022

Location: Landing, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer from Landing, NJ called after being referred by a family friend. They had a sewer loss which affected the basement.

Solutions provided:

Our Team arrived at the home Landing, New Jersey and assessed the damages with the homeowners. We explained the plan of remediation and started immediately.

PDQ packed up the dry content and moved it to a dry area of the home. We set up air movers, scrubbers and dehumidifiers. Our team extracted the sewage, removed the affected materials. Cleaned, sanitized & dried the area.

The homeowners were pleased that we could work with their insurance company, directly.

Team members on this project:

Edward Robillard, Nart Bachok

Photos & Videos:

sewage restoration in basement
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sewage restoration in basement
sewage in basement
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sewage in basement