Job completed for Mike D. - Clinton, NJ

Completion date: July 10, 2022

Location: Clinton, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Client from Clinton, NJ experienced a severe overflow from a clogged toilet that filled up the entire bathroom floor and began seeping into the finished basement area through its ceiling.

Solutions provided:

PDQ arrived onsite in Clinton, New Jersey within one hour of the call. They completed water and sewage clean-up within the upstairs bathroom and the downstairs finished basement. They utilized dehumidifiers and fans within the upstairs bathroom for a few days to ensure all moisture was removed from the air and walls/floor. They applied antimicrobial throughout both rooms to ensure no growth would take place within the home. They completed the entire remediation process to ensure all moisture was removed from the home.

Photos & Videos:

Clogged toilet overflow water damage
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Clogged toilet overflow water damage
Ceiling water damage
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Ceiling water damage