Job completed for ELIZABETH L. - Hackettstown, NJ

Completion date: May 5, 2022

Location: Hackettstown, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer from Hackettstown, New Jersey contacted us because they had an oven fire. The house seemed fine, but they asked us to come out for a free estimate just to make sure everything was ok.

Solutions provided:

When we arrived to the Homeowner's home in Hackettstown, NJ, we walked around and performed sponge tests throughout the home. There were remnants of soot everywhere; the baby's room upstairs, the living room, kitchen and bathroom.

We explained to the Homeowner our plan of action.
They had to leave their home since soot is dangerous, especially babies.

We began by placing air scrubbers and hydroxyls on each floor. The HVAC system was cleaned, the entire house was cleaned.

We worked and billed their insurance company directly. The Homeowner was pleased they only had to pay their deductible.

Team members on this project:

Cheryl Knox, Edward Robillard

Photos & Videos:

Oven fire, soot throughout home.
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Oven fire, soot throughout home.
Sponge test in kitchen.
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Sponge test in kitchen.
Sponge test in Baby's room.
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Sponge test in Baby's room.
Sponge test in bathroom.
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Sponge test in bathroom.
Air scrubber being used
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Air scrubber being used
Soot cleaning
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Soot cleaning