Job completed for Mike V. - Washington, NJ

Completion date: May 12, 2022

Location: Washington, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The Homeowner from Washington, NJ found us through a Google search.

When he opened his kitchen cabinet and found water damage under the cabinet in the kitchen, he called because he was concerned for his health.

Solutions provided:

When we arrived at the home in Washington, New Jersey, we noticed the base cabinet which holds the kitchen sink was rotten on the bottom. The sink faucet was faulty and there was a slow drip in the back of the cabinet. The Homeowner wanted us to try to save the face of the cabinets (which we were able to). The flooring in front of the cabinet was dry. In the basement the sheathing subfloor was wet beneath the cabinet above.

The Team begin by setting up containment in the basement as well as one in the kitchen. A dehumidifier, air scrubber and a fan were put in the containment of the basement to begin dry out from underneath the kitchen. A dehumidifier and air scrubber were also placed in the kitchen to start stabilizing. They removed the insulation in the affected area of the basement. Contents in the basement were moved to clear way for containment.

The Team removed the affected areas, including cabinets. They had to cut out a small portion of the subfloor, due to rotting. They removed some drywall from the back-wall due to mold. The cabinet next to the affected had some residual mold but no rot. The Team scrubbed and sterilized the affected areas clean.

They monitored the areas until dry standards were met.

The Homeowner was pleased we could work with their insurance, State Farm, directly.

Team members on this project:

Azar Mamkagh, Lance Caffrey

Photos & Videos:

Sink cabinet water damaged.
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Sink cabinet water damaged.
Interior kitchen sink cabinet water damaged.
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Interior kitchen sink cabinet water damaged.
Basement ceiling water damaged.
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Basement ceiling water damaged.
Containment area in basement.
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Containment area in basement.
Drying out kitchen sink cabinet.
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Drying out kitchen sink cabinet.
Drying out kitchen sink cabinet.
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Drying out kitchen sink cabinet.