Job completed for Tracy W. - Mount Hope, NJ

Completion date: May 25, 2021

Location: Mount Hope, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The Client from Mount Hope, NJ found us through a Google search. She had a pipe leak and water was throughout her basement.

Solutions provided:

Our Project Managers arrived at the home in Mount Hope, New Jersey within 60 minutes of the Homeowner contacting us. Our PMs thoroughly assessed the water damage along with the Homeowner, who was visibly upset. We calmed her down, explaining in detail our process of remediation.

Our Team started immediately by setting up the drying equipment; high-velocity air movers, commercial dehumidifiers, HEPA air scrubbers and hydroxyls. They bagged and removed all the water damaged material.

The Homeowner was extremely grateful for the urgency and service that PDQ Restoration was able to provide.

Photos & Videos:

Water in basement
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Water in basement
Extracting water from basement
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Extracting water from basement
Affected material removed from basement
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Affected material removed from basement
Water damaged material removed from basement
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Water damaged material removed from basement