Job completed for Steve R. - Belvidere, NJ

Completion date: June 25, 2021

Location: Belvidere, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The Client from Belvidere, New Jersey found us through a Google search.
They had an electrical fire in the basement affecting the home throughout. The Homeowner was concerned on how quickly we could get the job done.

Solutions provided:

Our Project Manager arrived at the Home in Belvidere, NJ within 90 minutes of their call. He assessed the damages along with the Homeowners. They discussed in detail the plan of remediation.

Our IICRC-certified technicians started immediately by setting up high-velocity air movers, HEPA air scrubbers and hydroxyls to begin removing the odors and cleaning the home. They removed, bagged and disposed of affected materials. The Homeowners were pleased to learn we could work directly with their insurance company, Hippo Insurance.

The Homeowners were extremely grateful for the urgency and service that PDQ Restoration was able to provide.

Photos & Videos:

Basement ceiling damaged
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Basement ceiling damaged
Basement damaged ceiling removed
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Basement damaged ceiling removed
Affected material removed
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Affected material removed
Smoke damaged material removed
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Smoke damaged material removed