Job completed for Ann M. - Ridgewood, NJ

Completion date: April 15, 2021

Location: Ridgewood, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The Client from Ridgewood, NJ was referred to us. They had smoke damage throughout their entire home.

Solutions provided:

Our Project Managers arrived at the home in Ridgewood, New Jersey within 60 minutes of their call. They walked through the home and assessed the damages along with the Homeowners. The Homeowner was extremely grateful and relieved after we explained that we have NO SMOKE ODOR GUARANTEE.

Our IICRC-certified technicians placed HEPA air scrubbers and hydroxyls to begin soot and odor mitigation throughout the home. Our team cleaned and packed up their items and stored them in a POD, on their property. They thoroughly cleaned and deodorized their home as quickly as possible. Our specialists ensure that their home and property were returned to their original, soot-free condition minus the odor.

Photos & Videos:

Smoke damaged dining room
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Smoke damaged dining room
Smoke damage
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Smoke damage
Cleaned and boxed
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Cleaned and boxed
Hydroxyl for odors
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Hydroxyl for odors
Kitchen cleaned
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Kitchen cleaned
Sunroom cleaned
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Sunroom cleaned
Master bath cleaned
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Master bath cleaned
Closet cleaned
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Closet cleaned
Bath cleaned
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Bath cleaned