Job completed for Art C. - Ringwood, NJ

Completion date: September 22, 2021

Location: Ringwood, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The Client from Ringwood, NJ found us through a Google search. He has a 2 family house, there was a leak in the bathroom of the rented apartment and it affected his Kitchen. The Client was happy to learn that we could work directly with his insurance company, MetLife and he did not need an insurance adjuster.

Solutions provided:

We arrived at the home in Ringwood, New Jersey within one hour of the Client's call. We walked through both homes and assessed the damages with the homeowner and determined the best solution to remediate the damages in both homes.

Our IICRC-certified technicians started immediately by setting up high-velocity air movers, commercial dehumidifiers, HEPA air scrubbers and hydroxyls to begin drying the homes. We packed up their unaffected content and moved it to a dry area of their home. With the Client's permission, we recorded and documented the disposal of non-salvageable items. We removed, bagged and disposed of affected materials.

The homeowner was extremely appreciative for the urgency and service that PDQ restoration was able to provide.

Photos & Videos:

Water damage in kitchen
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Water damage in kitchen
Damaged material removed
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Damaged material removed
Water damaged material removed
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Water damaged material removed
Bathroom damaged
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Bathroom damaged
Bathroom water damaged
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Bathroom water damaged