Job completed for Heather S. - Convent Station, NJ

Completion date: September 2, 2021

Location: Convent Station, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The Client from Convent Station, NJ was referred to us from her friend. Her Mom had water damage in her basement. The Client thought the water came from the hot water heater.

Solutions provided:

When we arrived to the Client's home in Convent Station, New Jersey, we assessed the damage in the basement, we also found mold. After we discussed our remediation plan, our team started the work.

They set up high-velocity air movers, commercial dehumidifiers, HEPA air scrubbers and hydroxyls to begin the drying process in the basement. They packed and moved the unaffected content to a dry area of their basement. They removed, bagged and disposed of the affected material. The Client was pleased that it only took 5 days to dry!

Photos & Videos:

Water in basement
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Water in basement
Mold in basement
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Mold in basement
Affected materials removed
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Affected materials removed
Clean up
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Clean up
Drying out area
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Drying out area