Job completed for Mark S. - Picatinny Arsenal, NJ

Completion date: November 24, 2021

Location: Picatinny Arsenal, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The Client from Picatinny Arsenal, NJ was referred to us from a mutual friend. They had a fire in their bedroom, smoke and soot throughout their home.

Solutions provided:

We arrived to the home in Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey ASAP. We did a thorough assessment along with the homeowners and explained to them our remediation plan. The homeowners were grateful we could work and bill directly, their insurance company, AAA.

Our Team immediately placed HEPA air scrubbers and hydroxyls to begin soot and odor mitigation throughout the home. We sealed off the affected area. Our team cleaned and packed up their unaffected items and stored them in a POD, on their property. We had our technicians remove the damage materials.

Photos & Videos:

Bedroom damage
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Bedroom damage
Fire damage
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Fire damage
Bedroom cleanup
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Bedroom cleanup
Affected materials removed from bedroom
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Affected materials removed from bedroom