Job completed for Howard C. - Bergenfield, NJ

Completion date: November 23, 2021

Location: Bergenfield, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Howard liked what he read in our reviews. He contacted us as there was a leak in their 1st floor bathroom which leaked down to the basement at his home in Bergenfield, NJ.

Solutions provided:

When we arrived at the home in Bergenfield, New Jersey, we assessed the damage. We placed air scrubbers, air filters and dehumidifiers throughout the house.

We packed up and removed their salvageable items to an unaffected area of their house.

We removed the wet rug from the basement, damaged drywall, ceiling and flooring. We visited their house daily to get moisture level readings. We left our drying equipment in their house for 5 days, until it was completely dry.

The customer was happy that we could work directly with their insurance company, NJM. They only had to pay their deductible.

Team members on this project:

Henry Anderson

Photos & Videos:

Water damage
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Water damage
Wall damage from water
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Wall damage from water
Ceiling damage
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Ceiling damage