Job completed for Stew H. - Mountain Lakes, NJ

Completion date: November 2, 2021

Location: Mountain Lakes, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer from Mountain Lakes, NJ called, there was a broken pipe in upstairs bathroom, water was every where.

Solutions provided:

When we got to Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, we discovered it wasn't a broken pipe in the bathroom, but the toilet had overflowed, causing damage to that bathroom and the dining room & kitchen & family room below, plus the finished basement below that.

We boxed up all the content that was not damaged in the affected areas. We placed air scrubbers, air filters and dehumidifiers throughout the house. We used drying mats to remove moisture from their hardwood floors. We removed all damaged, drywall, ceiling and tiles. We removed the wet rug in the basement.

The customer was pleased we were able to work directly with their insurance company, American Family Connect Property & Casualty Insurance Co.

Team members on this project:

Elizabeth Baresh

Photos & Videos:

Living room ceiling damaged from overflowed toilet
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Living room ceiling damaged from overflowed toilet
Water damage in bathroom
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Water damage in bathroom
Living room ceiling damaged from overflowed toilet
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Living room ceiling damaged from overflowed toilet
Water damage in bathroom
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Water damage in bathroom
Basement rug wet
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Basement rug wet
Drying mats used on hardwood floors
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Drying mats used on hardwood floors