Job completed for Lee W. - Blairstown, NJ

Completion date: June 16, 2021

Location: Blairstown, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer from Blairstown, New Jersey called, they had a pipe burst in the upstairs bathroom causing the water to flood the room below.

Solutions provided:

When we arrived at the residence in Blairstown, NJ, we assessed the damage. We packed all their unaffected content in
bins and stored them in an unaffected area.

We sealed off affected rooms. We removed all water, we placed dehumidifiers, air scrubbers, air movers throughout their home. We removed all the damaged ceiling and walls.

The customer was very happy that we could work and directly bill their insurance company, NJM.

Team members on this project:

Nart Bachok

Photos & Videos:

Bathroom pipe burst
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Bathroom pipe burst
Sealing off room
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Sealing off room
Pipe broke causing damage
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Pipe broke causing damage
Wall damage from broken pipe
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Wall damage from broken pipe