Job completed for Larry Y. - North Arlington, NJ

Completion date: August 24, 2021

Location: North Arlington, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer from North Arlington, NJ contacted us. They had a faulty shower valve in the upstairs bathroom that affected that bathroom, the kitchen and den below and the unfinished basement.

Solutions provided:

When we arrived at the home in North Arlington, New Jersey, we removed all the contents from affected areas. We sealed off the affected areas.

We placed dehumidifiers, air movers and air scrubbers throughout the home.

We removed all the wet sheet rock and tile flooring.

We worked directly with the customer's insurance company, Stillwater Insurance.

Team members on this project:

Elizabeth Baresh

Photos & Videos:

Shower damage
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Shower damage
Wall damage
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Wall damage
Equipment being used to remove water
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Equipment being used to remove water
Ceiling damage
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Ceiling damage
Ceiling removed
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Ceiling removed
Area sealed off
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Area sealed off